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Levels, Skills, Outro!
1. A victory can be achieved! 2. The special effects for the monster skills. 3. Many other fixes and adjustments...
Step by Step to Final Product
Hi fellas, new big update of Dungeon Faster Beta is here. Play in you browser or on your mobile/tablet. Many bugs were fixed, new graphic content added, new...
New characters, improvements etc.
Hi fellas, after some time new update is here. Contains new bosses, minions, items etc. And now you can dig tunnels... ;) Oh, wait... not you but dwarf will do...
New character, features, effects etc.
Hi folks, I added new characters into the game, map, new effects etc. Please take a look and let me know if I'm going to right way...
New heroes, bosses and much more...
Hi dear folks! I added new bosses, heroes etc. into my card game. So please try to play and let me know if I'm going by right way or not. I will be happy for e...
New items, cards, simple deckbuilding ... BETA
1.New Items. 2. New Cards. 3. Simple deckbuilding. 4. Other new features, fixes, addons etc...
1 file
New graphics style slowly arriving...
Because I'm very close to finish main code of the Dungeon Faster game I'm focusing on graphics, effects etc. My friend Phob creating great and cool looking cha...
Last post
Please let me know what do you think about the game mechanics. Is it clear and enjoyable for you? Or is it too much hard...
started by Old Oak Den Apr 11, 2018
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